Where the drawings live:
I think most children do some form of art when they're younger, but I was one of those who stuck with it into teenagehood as I would have an idea for something (usually based off some pre-existing thing I saw) and would draw it out. I didn't think of myself as an artist then as I just felt like I was drawing as a form of getting my ideas (mostly for characters) onto a piece of printer paper. It wasn't until I was 12 when I started seeing drawing as a hobby.
I bought my first phone when I was 12 at the start of 2020 and it was an iPhone 5C that couldn't download apps yet as I didn't have a SIM card in it for the first 2 weeks (you needed a phone number to set up an iCloud account which was needed to download apps, for some reason) so I would just watch YouTube and this was when I created my original YouTube channel as I wanted to like videos. I searched up "ASDFMovie" and watched all 12 of the videos at the time and then started coming across edited versions and then the algorithm started recomending me channels like Jaiden Animations and TheOdds1sOut and I went "I wanna do that" and that's how I got into animation and the first apps I installed that weren't school based were Ibis Paint X and Flipaclip. Didn't really follow any tutorials for a good while and it really shows. I also made a TikTok account around the same time so I could watch duck videos but then I also found animation there and then there was lockdown and 5 years later, here I am.
When I didn't know what game engine to use when I was 12-14 so I thought for a bit that my main thing that I wanted to be known for was being a YouTube animator. I still like drawing and animating but I see it more like the second or third thing I want to be known for, rather than the main thing.