Where the songs live:
When I was younger, I would make up songs and lyrics but never really took it that seriously and never made any kind of instrumental to go with it. However, I did want to learn how to play the guitar when I was 10 (I dropped that about a year and a half later) and I wanted to learn the keyboard when I was 11. I did music for GCSE and I'm currently doing Music Tech BTEC.
My progression in learning music stuff is quite similar to how I used to treat art as I used to just use it to get my ideas down but here was more annoying as I would constantly eventually reach a road block when it came to my creativity due to the program I was using, so over the past 5 years I've progressed from some random loop making apps, website DAWs to LMMS. I want to try FL Studio out too as I feel like LMMS isn't complex enough for the stuff I want to do nowadays, so maybe that'll be the DAW to end all DAWs.
I used to only really focus on making soundtracks for whatever project I was working on as non-copyright music wouldn't have the same vibe as whatever was in my head, but now I've progressed to making music for the hell of it and also music with vocals that have proper releases like all the music artists on TV. I still make soundtracks to my personal projects though. Knowing the sphere better won't cure my stubborness.