I didn't used to think of voice acting much until I was making animations of my own and wasn't sure on how to get voice actors as a 12 year old with 2 subscribers, so I would do the voice acting myself with the mic in the earphones that came with my phone. I mean, sometimes I asked my best friend at the time to voice act but I'm shy so I got used to just doing all the voices myself.
Due to the mic I was using at the time (well "mics" as they had a habit of breaking) being utter crap, to be able to pick up anything I'm saying, I would have to talk really close into the mic, which is why in my older animations from 2020: there's a lot of blowing noises in the audio. I bought a cheap headset that had one of those built in mics which is what I used until I got my current PC and the mic wouldn't be picked up by Kubuntu so I used the built in one when doing a voice demo, an old version of a song with vocals, and all the voices for Roboska LV. I got a USB desktop mic for Christmas in 2023 which is what I use today and it does the job. Not sure what model it is as it came in a plain cardboard box but it shows up as "DRELANMIC" on my computer.
It wasn't until 2024 when I was 16 when I started thinking about doing voice acting for other people, so I don't have a proper portfolio as the work I've done for other Newgrounds animators hasn't officially released yet, so this page is quite bare. I've also only really started taking it seriously recently too (mostly because of inspiration from indie shows on YouTube) and I talk to myself a lot which seems to have improved my skills when comparing an old voice demo to what I can do now.
Basically, I wanna become a proper voice actor. Not just for my characters, but for other peoples' too. Also I have a northerner accent that I can make sound posh and squeaky at will so there's that. I made the CCC profile quite recently so there's not much stuff on it right now.